Saturday, November 24, 2007

A Thanksgiving Table

My sister-in-law Diana set a beautiful table for Thanksgiving. The food was awesome, as always, and we had a very nice time visiting. :)


  1. Eli is healthy right now, and has been in such a great mood lately.
  2. A loving husband who is trying very hard to ride my mood swings with me.
  3. A roof over our heads...and the hunt for a new one! :)
  4. My dear family. I am so blessed!
  5. Incredible friends!
  6. My new Cricut machine (for Scrapbooking).
  7. DSL Internet! Why didn't we get rid of dial-up a loooong time ago?
  8. Cold weather - so I don't feel so guilty for keeping my fleece PJ's on all day.
  9. Enough money to write out Christmas cards every year.
  10. The good nights of sleep Eli has let me get this month!

God bless everyone as we enter this wonderful CHRISTmas season...