In an effort to try and get my blog caught get a 'reader's digest' version for each month this summer!
In June we had a wheelchair accessible deck built and it has been such a blessing! We can roll Eli out there in any of his pieces of equipment! Here he is in his Gazelle Stander:
He loves to go for walks in his stroller...round and round the deck. Best part is....there is a ramp into the he gets to join the parties we have...and he can easily get to his new swing his Dad is going to build him.
When he went to Park Day after the last day of preschool, he got to meet Bonnie the Snake from our local library:
We spent a day at Camp Prime Time...and Eli got to go up into a wheelchair accessible Tree House!
And, Eli had his 6th Respiratory Distress Event. He hadn't had one in almost three years, so we thought they were behind us! Makes me sad to think they can still strike at any moment....and we get no warning! Eli was a trooper as always...and the next day he's fine and you'd never know anything ever happened!
Eli also went to a rollerskating birthday party...
we spent a weekend at my Aunt's house in Auburn to celebrate my cousin's son graduating from high school.....
and Eli got his very own library card:
We also went to Seattle and he got his GJ tube switched out. I was able to take pictures during the procedure. I'll save those for a post of their own!
That's June in a nutshell!