Thursday, September 3, 2009

And Then There Were Ten

The day I posted about losing Zeke, I saw that our cat Little Girl (I did NOT name her!) had a massive eye infection....again!  It's been chronic for years.  It never really goes away...I'd medicate, and it would go away for a while.  But it always came back.  She always had nose issues.  A funky wheeze with each meow.  Snotty off and on.  (Yeah - she was quite a bag of tricks!)

I took her to the vet on Tuesday, and found out her mouth was horribly infected, too.  She was a cat with chronic "immuno-defiency" issues.  The medication was going to be a crazy regimen and schedule in hopes it would help...then more meds to follow and a dental cleaning.  She was old.  And chronic.  I decided it was time to say goodbye to her.  It was a hard decision, but I feel it was the best for her.

She wasn't the most fortunate looking I ended up calling her "Scrunge".

She was a sweetie.  Never got into trouble.  Talked a lot.  Loved to sleep.
REALLY loved to sleep. And even when her favorite spot (at our old house) got knocked over by dogs or wind...she stayed the course:
Isn't that a hoot?
So, our cat population is now down to 10.  The lowest we've ever had as a married couple...
our hearts are a little sore right now.


Anonymous said...

Goodgrief!....She is to pretty!..well there is time for there's an Idea..or maybe God will lead you to some others that need rescued? hugs..oxoxoxo

VR said...

Here's a hug! Take care and I hope that your hearts can heal without another wound to it! I agree that maybe it's just making room for some more rescued pets?!

CocoCayubsMom said...

Ohh Aim I am so sorry, I will be praying that God will heal your sore hearts. Love ya bunches!

Ellen Seidman said...

Hi, Amy. I just found your blog through Candace's. I am so sorry. She was lucky to have had you.

I'm mom to Max, who's 6 and has cp, and Sabrina, who's 4 and has a big mouth.

It is nice to "meet" you, though sorry to find you on a sad day.