Thursday, July 16, 2009


I've been feeling very uninspired to write on my blog this last week. I don't know why. Sometimes I feel like "do people really care about what I have to say?" or "do people really want to see more pics of my flowers?" Then I remember. "Oh, yeah. This is my blog. It's my journal for me to remember things that happen along our journey." I sometimes struggle with how I want to come across on here. Am I writing TO my readers or FOR my readers? I've decided I like to write for them. If you like it you'll come back, right? If not, you won't. But, I'll still have information about our daily life recorded for my future reference. What a great medium for memories!

I have to say how happy I am that I have so many new blog readers lately!! Many new families with special needs kiddo's have found me, and I'm building new relationships. It's the best part of the blog world! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STOPPING BY. I couldn't do what I do without the support I've found online. To know I am not alone in this adventure. As new families find me, I try to add them to my sidebar.
Eventually I'm going to reorganize my sidebar blogs into categories, so all the families with special needs kids are in one section and we can all find each other easier!

So, as a quick catch up for the last week:

My sister Shiela and her husband Joe came to visit Sunday til Tuesday. We took a drive up to Wenas Lake, I got some really great pictures of them on her camera, and then we went to this Aspen Tree Forest that I just LOVE and hadn't had the opportunity to photograph yet.

I just love how tall they are, with just canopies at the top!
My sister got even better pictures with her camera, which is much better than mine. I really love the panoramic she got. You can see it on her blog, here.

Their dog, Tucker, enjoyed the drive, too!
I decided to take them by our Mom's old place. My family will appreciate how nicely the new owners have fixed the place up! They painted the exterior and trim, added new flower beds, a new row of arborvitaes on the other side, put in new vinyl windows, and continued trimming the arborvitaes so you can actually get out of your car in the driveway! Doesn't it look so much nicer?

Here is Eli with his Auntie Shiela:
No - he's not asleep - just cuddling :)


Verna said...

Hey sweetie, It's your blog, write whats on your heart, good and bad. If you are having a bad day and share it, then I know I will just say an extra prayer for you guys.

I love to see photos, and yes, if they are of your family or of flowers and trees, I like all of them.

If you ever come over to my blog, you will see that I write about all different kinds of things. Just whatever hits my fancy for that time in my life.

It is a way for me to log things of the past and write current happenings, so that I might not forget those things. And as I get older I feel it more and more necessary to write them out.

We love ya.

Michelle said...

Hi Amy, I'll keep up. I miss you when you don't write. I'm still praying a job for you guys. How's the heat over there? I hope Eli is doing okay in it. We don't have an air conditioner, but Emily's room is cool. Lots of fans going here. Keep cool and write when you feel like it.

Candace said...

Don't be discouraged! I will read yours each day, we can support eachother! By the way, great pics, I love them. By the way, where did you get the giraffe CP logo? My hubby loves it and I would like to put one like that up on my page!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie...I can not believe I have missed three posts! I hate my computer not working ! UGGRRRRRR...
I love the pictures of the E-man and me...we are so Cute!....You must keep writing..I sware I read everyone...when I am not on vacation and at your house ...:) SMOOOCH!